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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  August 8, 2013 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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president obama at camp pendlen talking tough on terror. >> the united states is never going to retreat from the world. we don't get terrorized. because of you, osama bin laden is no more. [ cheers ] >> because of you, al qaeda's top ranks have been hammered. >> over overnight in yemen which is on high alert the u.s. conducted its sixth punishing drone strike in ten days. the yemeni government said six suspected al qaeda members were killed. 29 suspected al qaeda terrorists have been taken out by u.s. drones in the past ten days. new throats from al qaeda forced the evacuation of the u.s. embassy in yemen. among those outposts shut down through at least saturday by terror concerns. i wagood morning.
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>> good morning. >> the president says al qaeda has been hammered. he said they are on their way to defeat. from a messaging standpoint, how tricky is it to send that reassuring message at the same time you are evacuating americans? >> i think they are te directly linked. there is clear intelligence that the administration has received that these embassies are being targeted overseas. there is a clear oh effort by the administration to use the drone strikes against what they see as a clear threat to the country. this is the secret war being waged by the obama administration. i think we are seeing that in bits and pieces like h this news from yemen just yesterday. >> from a white house standpoint, those two things aren't contradictory. evacuating americans and saying that al qaeda is on the run. in fact, it shows that the intelligence is working. >> that's what the white house -- yes.
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that's the intention behind the message here. i think the president needses to be careful here, especially with the continued drone strikes. there are a lot of members in congress who are wary of the use of drones still. he could encounter pushback on capitol hill. not necessarily but as it becomes common practice it could encounter criticism. >> a lot of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle supported the president. there is critics who say the embassy shut downs were an over reaction after benghazi. how is the administration navigating that? >> they are trying to bring in members of congress and keep them apprised of what's happening in order to avoid the pushback they received in earlier situations. remember, the cia and its intelligence program since 9/11 has done a lot of things to infuriate members of congress. largely because they haven't told them what's going on.
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so the administration has a careful line to balance in terms of telling members of congress what they need to know and not telling them too much in order that could jeopardize some of their response and national security efforts. >> let me bring in nbc news terrorism analyst evan coleman, senior partner with flashpoint global partners and congressman michael grim from new york and cochair of the caucus on u.s. russia economic relations. good to see you. good morning. >> good morning. >> six drone strikes in the past ten days. what do we know about the targets, the success? >> nobody has been identified. unfortunately some of the strikes which were targeting senior al qaeda leaders there were reports about former gitmo detainees killed. none of that's been confirmed. even the yemen government is backing off claims they interrupted a grand terror scheme targeting oil targets and a city in yemen. now they are backing off the
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claim. we are seeing efforts to go after these folks but we haven't seen concrete evidence that we are getting people who were on the conference call or the e-mail or whatever it was that sparked this alert to begin with. >> this brought up the question of where we stand with al qaeda, how it works operationally now in this world. how is it different than it was when osama bin laden was alive? >> bin laden believed in centralization. he believed in a centralized organize station. that didn't work. al qaeda didn't work because the united states went into afghanistan and bombed all the camps to dust. what ended up happening is there were other operatives from al qaeda who realized it is better to have affiliates and different groups in different countries with their own leadership, media wings and coordinate at the top level. even if al qaeda disappears in one country or another, it persists in particular areas that it has a longstanding presence.
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places like yemen. >> when you look at the number of organizations you see those. yet yemen issued a statement saying the evacuation serves the interests of the ex treemists. they use it as a re kruting tool. we have talked about inspire magazine which they use to inspire people to jihad. they always have said that when the united states takes an action to keep its citizens safe it's a victory for them. >> they had an entire edition of the magazine entitled operation hemorrhage which is their tactics, though they haven't successfully carried out a terrorist attack, they have caused a hemorrhaging of the u.s. economy by forcing the u.s. government to invest untold sums into airline security, drones, intelligence, es. they trumpeted that as a headline-grabbing victory. it's something we have to keep an eye on. it's something they are using
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for prop gan ta. >> congressman grim, you are obviously from new york. are we winning the battle against al qaeda? >> i would say we have made great strides, no question. would i say al qaeda is crippled? no. i agree with evan. they have morphed, evolved, decentralized and they are still rerelentless. they are a formidable opponent growing throughout africa and other parts of the world. that's a huge challenge for the united states. a tremendous challenge for the military and intelligence. we have to remain vigilant. this will be on oh going for decades to come. this is not something you can have a quick victory. as i said, they are a relentless enemy. when you're against an opponent that has this visceral belief especially when it's rooted in something like religion, there is no clear victory. unfortunately they are breeding this hatred into the next generation. that will continue to grow and create challenges for a very
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long time to come. >> at a time when the president and members of congress, you're all home on break but you have been out talking to constituents and the economy is important. folks are talking about al qaeda. they are talking about russia. i found it fascinating to learn on the night before edward snowden was given asylum you had dinner with the russian ambassador to the united states. did you have a clue this was coming? >> no. this was set up in advance. we were very surprised the next day. we did speak about it in no uncertain terms. we knew it would be an untenable situation. >> what did he say? >> he h understands our position. what he focused on was that there is always going to be difficulties in relationship.
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always will be stumbling blocks, bumps in the road. these are major hurdles. we discussed syria. a big issue for me and the united states. we discussed snowden as the roadblocks that would prevent a very, very important dialogue that needs to be had. since the cold war ended, we really haven't had enough of a dialogue. you know, presidents, secretaries of t state and so on, but legislators need to speak. congress needs to speak and so oh on. that's what we were trying to set up. >> there is talk about a reset. when medvedev was present things happened. president obama signed the start treaty on nuclear weapons. we established a supply corridor for troops. the u.s. helped russia get into the world trade organization. things were happening. do you think as long as vladimir putin is president there is a chance to move forward on incredibly important issues like syria? >> yes. do i think they are ex treem ly
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difficult challenges to overcome? absolutely. we have to get past the snowden issue. president putin has to reverse his decision on this. we can move forward. they have been good allies in many ways. you mentioned afghanistan. they stood by us against iran. with the u.n. resolution against north korea. there are opportunities and they are a good partner in the fight against terrorism. they are just as concerned about radical islam as we are. they are a good potash partner there. it's necessary. also by 2020 most likely they will be in the top three largest economies in the world. they trade now with the e.u. almost on par with our level of trade with the e.u., but the trade between our countries is dismal. they have a massively growing middle class. i do think there is opportunity for us. i think it is ex treemly important as we fight global terrorism and as we try to
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expand the economy that we find ways to work with russia. again, this issue is a bypass that even for me is a nonstarter. i have to say i don't usually support the president when it comes to foreign policy. i have been critical. i do support the president's position on this. >> to bring this full circle how important is this relationship with russia as we talk about fighting global terrorism. >> look at afghanistan. without russia's help we'll have trouble supplying troops in afghanistan. look at the boston bombings. it was critical for us to figure out whether or not there were ties back to the caucuses. without the help of russian officials we are not making progress there. russia is a partner of ours where we like it or not. can we balance the common interest we have with serious disagreements that we also have with them. it's a difficult balance. >> gentleman, great to see you.
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there was a time when this administration, as we said literally did push the re set button with russia. how frustrated is this administration now? >> very much so. that's exactly why the president cancelled the meeting with putin. it's not just snow den. you mentioned syria, nuclear arms, trade. there are a host of issues. the administration feels if putin and the russians aren't listening to the white house. there was no reason to have a photo op meeting and to accepted a message to the russians that they aren't happy. as the president alluded to an leno there is a feeling that some of the russians have a cold war mentality. that's sort of the feeling in the white house now. >> is there an indication that some of the other calls to go beyond what the president has done in cancelling the bilateral will gain momentum -- things like they don't want this meeting to go on between u.s.
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and russian officials tomorrow. they don't want the president to go to the g-20. a few called for a boycott of the olympics. any indication at all that they are going to gain momentum? >> it's really a slippery slope for the administration to go down. if they continue to cancel meetings on the staff level as well. that's really where a lot of work gets done. secretary of state john kerry and defense secretary chuck hagel are scheduled to have meetings this week as well with russian oh fficials. if the countries have a prayer of getting back on track the lines of communication need to remain open. >> thank you both. i will bring you back in, congressman. is there anything else you think the president should do? you are not for a boycott of the olympics r. you for him going to the g-20? >> i think he made the right decision. we had to send a message to russia. but the dialogue staying open is
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important. there are too many things when you look at the big picture. afghanistan, global terrorism, the economy. there is too much comal ti there. comal ti there. we have much more in common than we don't. a lot of oh this is from the cold war. there is perceptions, stigmas we need to get past. the only way is with open dialogue. once we get past -- i hope president putin reverses his condition with the snowden issue. >> thank you. the pictures out of california this morning are devastating. a raging wildfire burning out of control. it's called the silver fire. it's already left one victim badly burned. two firefighters injured. 15 homes destroyed. windy conditions aren't helping. overnight, 1500 people were evacuated from mountain towns in southern california.
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a new front in the fight for a hillary clinton candidacy. emily's list, the group dedicated to elect ing democratic women kicks off tomorrow with a ma damn president town hall tomorrow. it's all about getting a woman into the oval office. do they have a certain woman in mind? let's ask the president of emily's list. good morning. >> good morning. >> is this all about electing a certain woman is this we don't have to name her. she has the initials hillary clinton. >> you know, i get that question a lot. honestly, this event in des moines tomorrow is really about having a national discussion about breaking through the final
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biggest glass ceiling. we do hope that hillary clinton will make a decision here. we'd like to see her run. we have a list of women on the bench to step up in 2016 if she chooses not to. janet napalitano, kirsten gillibrand. this is about 16, 20, 24, 28. this is about the first woman president and then many more to come after that. >> let me ask you about '16 especially. it is the next one. >> the next one. hillary clinton hasn't said if she'll run. if she doesn't is your argument that it is time for a woman oh or is it just about finding the best canada data for women's issues even if it is a man? >> the truth is we need to find the best candidate to be president of the united states. let's make it clear. this isn't about women and men. this is about having a great
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leader. what we have seen in the polling, we pulled battleground state voters. what they are saying is that they are ready and willing and want to see a woman president. they actually feel in the poll that women leaders bring the right judgment, right priorities and put country and family before partisan politics. in this environment in washington, d.c. you can see where the american voters are here trying to get more women elected into office. >> i'm sure you have watched with interest. also on cnn. here's what was said this morning on joez "morning joe." >> i cannot have companies in the business of making what i consider to be promotional movies about the life of oh hillary clinton when at the same time we know that her people are
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gearing up for a presidential run. then i'm going to bring them in to depose the candidates running for president on the republican side of the aisle? >> is there a fairness issue here, as you see it? >> i just disagree. hillary clinton has done so much for the country. it's a great opportunity to share what a really leading stateswoman has done for the united states. >> so chris christie or rand paul. >> or cruz or santorum. we'll see a lot of documentaries, news stories, all kinds of things in the months to come. that's the way the system works now. it's good. let's talk to the american people about who is out there, what they stand for. it will be clear when the republican stories come out, i'm looking forward to the weekend to see ted cruz and santorum in iowa. i think what we are going to
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hear from em them is a continuation of the backwards policy agenda. not just on women's issues but on economic issues like equal pay if health care h. >> let me ask you quickly. we are out of time. but right-leaning groups have been on the attack. an anti-hillary group posted this slap hillary graphic on oh the website. is she a candidate and you worry about her h being the candidate to unite the republican party, fire up the base? she is the front runner and the one democrat all of us, not just women, all democrats see as the leader of the party here. we'll see what she decides to do. she has a big decision to make. she'll make the right decision for the country and herself. it will be a great campaign. presidential campaigns as far as i can see them, are always interesting. '. >> that they are. great to see you. thank you very much for coming
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on. >> absolutely, chris. >> if you are starting the day in minnesota or new jersey, check your powerball ticket. none of our jersey team got the right ticket. but the lucky three winners will split a $448 million jackpot. there are taxes, of course oh. almost 40% off the top goes to the feds. we'd take the win anyway. the postal service is critical to our economy. delivering mail, medicine and packages, yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service and want to layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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chelsea. they are promoting awareness on health issues including hiv. later in the trip they plan to meet with ailing former president and friend nelson mandela. we are less than three weeks away from the anniversary of martin luther king's "i have a dream" speech. president obama will mark the moment with remarks on the steps of the lincoln memorial. check this out. "mad" magazine, humor in the president's defense of nsa surveillance. overseeing the magazine's spy versus spy characters as they sharpen their eaves dropping devices. if you read only one thing, check out forbes magazine's fascinating article about how the very successful spend time. guess what. less than a third of top ceos are on twitter. in fact, warren buffett tweeted just twice since may 2. what social media do they use? find out in the must read on our facebook page at facebook/jing co. ss.
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we have breaking news from the ft. hood shooting trial. a military judge ruled that the suspect, major nidal hasan can represent himself. yesterday testimony came to a halt when lawyers assigned to assist him requested to take over a case. they said he appeared to be trying to convince jurors to convict him and sentence him to death. hasan is accused of opening fire at ft. hood in 2009 killing 13 people. again he'll be able to continue his self-defense. isn't this interesting? today you have this presidential poll out of new hampshire. on the republican side the feuding chris christie and rand paul are numbers one and two. down to kentucky townle hall in elizabeth town a local reporter asked paul again about his spat with chris christie. >> oh, no. you had to bring that up. that makes my blood pressure go up. i'm just getting ready to go on
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stage. >> any comment on the feud? >> it's over. i declared a truce. it's a one-way truce now. i have offered to have a beer with him and have a beer summit. we're waiting for a response. >> let me bring in democratic strategist and managing trek tor of porter novelli, kiki mclane who worked on hillary clinton's presidential campaign and republican pollster chris wil n wilson. good morning. >> good morning. >> senator paul is in the middle of the tour across kentucky. he has at least ten events planned. is he building a brand for 2016? >> it's both actually. it probably is similar to what happened when bill clinton was governor of arkansas. he had a small to mid-sized state. then you have a national figure that the brings a lot of attention to himself whether because of feuding with chris christie or because of the leadership role in the senate.
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if he gives a speech to the rotary club in elizabethtown, louisvil louisville, anywhere h h speaks it's national attention. it's another level of press coverage that the kentucky press corps and national press corps are following him. it's interesting, exciting for the local residents there. >> it's probably exciting for him, given that a series of polls have shown chris christie generally leading on the republican side. listen, kiki, to what chris matthews said about senator paul's 2016 prospects. >> i predict the hard right will h take over the republican party in 2016. and the nomination is going to -- rand paul. you watch. this is what i to for a living. >> kiki, what do you think? >> it could happen. i have to say chris wilson couldn't be further from right when he compares rand paul to bill clinton. bill clinton became to national prominence because he led an organization advocating for policies to grow the middle
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class. what you see in rand paul's schedule is the work of a poll the technician. make no mistake about it, rand paul is a politician. he's out there getting national press that has no substance to it. it's not doing him favors. he sees his colleague at home in kentuc kentucky, a senior republican senator, the leader, losing in the polls in kentucky. if he's smart he'll get home and make sure he keeps the dialogue oh open at home. right now i don't think he needs to get home and do his business. >> people are talking about him. >> sure they are. >> michael steele was on "morning joe" this morning. here's what he said. >> i think rand paul offers a voice that taps into a new
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generation of oh folks coming into politics. it's something to watch. he's methodical, doing a different ground game, bringing different voices. someone to watch. >> if you are chris christie, or santorum are you saying that's fine, none of this means anything at this point or do you get nervous? >> he's attracting a lot of attention. he's become head of the new movement of young conservative senators in the united states senate. because of that, yeah, he's attracting attention. he's attracting both from voters at home and voters nationally. it's a good good place to be. when he's outside the beltway and media are taubing about him as we are today it makes a
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difference. 2014. >> at this point does substance matter long before people are focused on that? is building your name recognition more important? >> he's got name recognition and he'll build it. the short 15 minutes of fame over a spat with chris christie isn't the kind you build a long-term platform to run for president on. he can still do it. he is getting name i.d. but remember, quality matters, not just quantity. the political fields are strewn with people who got a lot of attention but never became president. >> thanks very much. good to see you both. >> thank you. >> checking the news feed. the man suspected of kidnapping california's 16-year-old hannah anderson reportedly said he had a crush on her. a friend of hannah's said he said he would date her if they were the same age. hannah has been missing since sunday night. the body of ohher her mother and a child who may be her brother
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were found in the burning home. an amber alert for hannah and her brother ethan widened after possible car sightings in oregon and washington state. authorities believe he may be headed to canada. watch this high impact crash caught on tape. a bus in china hit from behind by a semi. surveillance video shows passengers volted back ands toed around as the bus rolled over. it was so severe the bus driver was ejected out the side window. all 22 bus passengers were treated for injuries. a person in the truck was killed. new yorkers will tell you they have seen it all. a shark on the subway may top everything. a writer found the dead shark on a queensbound n train. the conductor isolated the car, put the shark b in a garbage bag. the discovery channel said this is not a shark week stunt. there wasn't suddenly a "sharknado" either. one writer posed with a cigarette, red bull and mta card. now of course the shark has its own twitter feed.
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everybody's buzzing about beyonce's new 'do. she reveal ed her cut with several instagram photos. she got her hair caught in a fan while perform ing in montreal. i don't know. does it have anything to do with the hair cut? there is still time for summer fun. the website ten has a list of the best waterparks in the u.s. number five, wilderness territory in wisconsin dells. great wolf lodge in virginia. noah's arc takes third in wisconsin dells. that's the water park capitol of the world. i didn't know it. the runner up, schlitterbahn in texas. and number one, splashing safari in santa claus, indiana. the full link up at nd guards. nd guards. the discreet protection that's just for guys.
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worried about a low birth weight baby? there may be a solution. researchers from the harvard school of public health showed a daily iron supplement leads to a higher birth weight in newborns. women should consult their doctor before beginning a supplement. the number of women accusing san diego mayor bob filner of sexual harassment is now up to 13. the two latest, veterans who say they were raped in the military. so they are at a support group meeting. filner is head of the house veterans affairs committee. they say he made unwanted sexual advances. i'm joined now by one of the women, eldonna fernandez. now a retired air force vet. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> you are at this event called the healing and hiring fair. tell me about your experiences
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with mayor filner. >> i was a speak er at the event. i speak on negotiation and do motivational speaking. i was there as a speaker. i had done my speaking and he did a presentation and indicated he he was for fighting sexual assault, sexual harassment in the military. shortly after that he approached me and asked me for my card. it's an event where veterans are there to further themselves, have business. so i gave him my card. he looked at my card and asked, fernandez, is that a married name? are you single? i said, no. i'm divorced. he immediately went into, well, i think you're beautiful. i can't keep my eyes off you. i want to take you to dinner. i was shocked specifically because it is an event like that. but also the that the conversation turned to that. shortly after that, his intern took him away. i received a phone call from him a couple days later. he left a voicemail which i deleted.
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>> was there any indication from anyone else you talked to or had you ever heard anything about this apparent problem with bob filner? >> no. i hadn't. i didn't know of him. i just knew he had been an advocate for an organization. i'm on the advisory board. this is an organization that helps women and an organization of women that have been victims of sexual assault, sexual trauma in the military. >> and somebody you felt because of his position could help women. >> we trusted him. apparently he hit on seven or eight of us in the organization which to me is egregious. to come into an organization like that, it is supposed to be a safe space to heal. it was called a healing and hiring fair. >> tell me what should happen now. he's in two weeks of therapy. there is a movement to have him re called. what's appropriate here? a question has been raised, is none of this criminal?
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>> it may not be criminal as such. that's for the investigators and attorneys to decide. i don't see how somebody who has done this behavior and i'm sure there are other women other than those of us who have come out and had problems, i don't see how he can lead the people of san diego when he has this type of thing. now he's targeting organizations with women who are already victims of sexual harassment and assault. >> just yesterday the president talked about military sexual assault. let me play it for you. >> i want you to to directly from me, the commander in chief. it under mines what this military stands for. it undermines what the marine corps stands for when sexual
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assault takes place within our units. >> do you believe the white house, the p, the pentagon is moving in the right direction on this issue? there are ongoing bill ifs congress, but nothing there. >> i believe that with the president's support he does have a zero tolerance policy. unfortunately with our government system it takes time to move things. we are moving in the direction for things like the stop act taking reporting out of the chain of command or situations to help in the military. now that there is a spotlight on it, it will hopefully change. >> thank you for talking with us this morning. >> thank you. >> coming up, alex wagner speaks with filner's form ohher deputy campaign manager who is also accusing him of abuse. that's at noon eastern here on msnbc. meantime, we told you about dramatic developments happening in the last few minutes in the ft. hood shooting trial. moments ago the military judge
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ruled major hasan can continue to represent himself. now his stand-by attorneys say they want out. nbc's charles hadlock is live outside the courthouse in ft. hood. must have been intense in there. >> yeah. this morning started off with a continuation of the motion that was filed. i guess two nights ago by the stand--by counsel for major hasan. they said they cannot go with his strategy not contesting the testimony in the courtroom. they said it was repugnant they would have to stand by and let this happen. they wanted off the case or they wanted to interject their objections to what's going on in the courtroom. the judge said today major hasan is in control of his case. he determines the strategy. the case will continue. they are arguing several points but the judge denied the motion. we expect testimony to resume
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here in the courtroom in the next few minutes or so. hasan has the chance to question people he's accused of shooting. so far he has not contested any of the testimony in the case. >> nbc's charles hadlock, thanks. we'll keep an eye on the story. we'll be right back. being sixteen, alex thinks he's invincible. his dad knows he's not. that's why dad got allstate accident forgiveness.
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there is a provocative story in the new york times that has everyone talking in the social media world. it's called the opt out generation wants back in. this is a trend with stay at home mom ohs, a quest to get back in the work place. joining me to talk about it, leah goldman from marie claire magazine. and the national president of the stay at home mom support
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group and a freelance journalist who worked with us. good to see you. >> good to be back. >> this has people talking. they have been talking about it at home around kitchen tables for a while. >> working moms and stay at homers have been talking about this nonstop. in the green room we were talking about how we have been talking about it in my home for years and years. now the trend about stay at home moms, the kids are grown up. they have more time on their hands. they are itching to do more with it. trying to get back into the workplace and finding it's a different world. it's a post recession world. the jobs aren't what they used to be. it's hard to break back in. >>. >> there were quite a queue fu bumps i didn't expect. >> what motivated you to want to
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go back? >> i have three kids who are three years apart in age. i have a 16-year-old daughter. i'm experiencing anxiety over the fact that she's going to college in a couple of years and we'll be paying for college for 12 years. that probably was the biggest motivation. the need to be more practical, hunker down and get more money into our house and into our bank account so we can make this happen for our children. >> you can't win because one of the things i read about you, i don't know why it never occurred to me before, you got a hard time for leaving the working world which a lot of working women experience. because you were a successful african-american woman and it is as if you were abandoning your role model status. >> it's interesting. people don't talk much about the narrative when it reelates specifically to african-american women. historically african-american women haven't had the choice to stay home. this is new frontier for many of
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us. it flies in the face of cultural wisdom. our parents marched in washington, fought in the civil rights movement. their goal was for us to go to great colleges, climb the corporate ladder, do well this the work force and have economic empowerme empowerment. it wasn't to stay at home. when many of us made the choice, many of our family members looked at us and said, what are you doing? >> this is an economic issue for many of these women. like you. you have three kids going to college. what do you say to women who have been out of it for five and ten years? you read the article and it's sca scary. it has to make a younger woman thinking about wanting to raise her children for at least a few years think twice about getting out. >> well, there are a coup ohle of issues at play. for starters on the younger generation, we are finding when they approach work iing. they want jobs to afford them
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time for personal pursuits whether it is raising a family, running a marathon or travel. they don't enter into jobs that will find them pinched down the road. that's important to them. for women trying to get back what we tell them whether they are working or not is it's important to maintain your network. you cannot just drop out and stay out of touch. if you ever have even an inkling that you may go back it's important to stay on top of the contacts, make yourself available for coffee rg lunch, what have you. pick up the tab. that's always useful. cultivate that relationship. so next time those are generally how jobs come around. it's who you know. >> say to lean in more now. keep your resumé dusted off. keep it out there. even just testing the waters. talk to people. talk about what you are looking for. the people you know can support and help you and tell you about things out there. >> i tell young women all the time exactly what you are saying which is that know what the job
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you are going after entails. if you want to be a journalist like i am and you want to be home at christmas every year or you want to have every weekend off, don't take this job. having said that it's a little worrisome to think they are choosing not to go after big jobs. what tuz it mean for the glass el creeing a i-- ceiling and ot because we need women in high positions to mentor and give women opportunities. >> it's not necessarily they don't want high powered jobs. some of them do and some will get it. they are also looking for jobs that fit the total profile of oh what they are looking for. it's why we are seeing more sbre preneuros. this is an entrepreneurial generation. we are see ing more start companies without any working experience. they say, i'm running my own business. that's a fascinating phenomenon. >> thank you both. what a fascinating conversation. good luck. >> thank you. >> that will wrap up this hour
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